Kirjasto on sopinut Springer protocols -tietokannan koekäytöstä. Koekäyttö on voimassa 30.6.2012 saakka.
Mukana on yli 20 000 protokollaa mm. laboratoriotöihin ja metodeihin liittyen biolologian ja eri biotieteiden aloilta.
Your library has arranged trial access to SpringerProtocols. Trial access will be available to you until 30th July 2012. You can access more than 20,000 protocols online on or on
SpringerProtocols contains more than 20,000 molecular biology and biomedical protocols.- Unparalleled breadth and depth ensures that you can access the right protocol saving valuable time.
- With quality, peer-reviewed content you can be confident the protocols you choose will be the most reliable for your work.
- Flexible, collaborative features enhance your search process and provide you with additional information and context.
Lisätietoja ja palautetta / For more information: jukka.kananen (at)
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