Lisäksi joillakin tablettien selaimilla (esim. iPadin Safari) haku saattaa keskeytyä liiallisten uudelleenohjauksien vuoksi. Silloin kannattaa käyttää jotain muuta selainta (esim. Chrome tai Firefox).
There may still be some problems when retrieving articles via the Nelli Portal (you may get redirected to the front page of Elsevier’s ScienceDirect and not to the article you were looking for). However, you can find the article by making a search in ScienceDirect.
Furthermore, your search may get interrupted in some tablet browsers (for example in iPad’s Safari) due to excessive redirects. If this happens, you should try some other browser (for example Chrome or Firefox).
Kaarina Meriläinen
Verkkoresurssipalvelut / Online Resource Services
Lisätietoja / For more information: nelli (at)